191: (2 for 2) National Unprofiled Day, Homeless donation marketplace, and shower Social Impact Ideas

This week we trade social impact ideas with Adam Soclof, senior Brand Marketing expert. He shares his experience from years of brand marketing combined with great social innovation ideas.

We exchange 4 social impact/b corp/nonprofit ideas. We thrash on the idea, ‘why would this fail’, ‘why would it succeed’, the difficulty of execution. Not being precious with the idea, knowing that others may take it and run. 

We then score the idea based on Impact, financial viability and scalability. The loser donates to the winner’s charity of choice. 

This week’s ideas:

– Sponsored shower stations in cities.

– National Unprofiled Day, helping under-served people become seen on LinkedIn.

– Homeless donation platform itemizing ways to help as a service.

– Don’t Profile Me Day, raising awareness about camera facial recognition.

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